Our researchers

Our team of researchers and engineers drive progress in three key research areas: process mining and modeling, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and databases and data analytics.

As an organization, we maintain a portfolio of research projects ranging from fundamental research on technology innovation to applied research on product innovation, while empowering individuals and teams to set their own research agenda. An essential part of our research work is the close collaboration with our academic partners. Celonis was born out of academia and research; disseminating our research in scientific publications, participating in research conferences, and engaging with the scientific community is an essential part of our research philosophy.

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Get to know the Celonis researchers across the globe.

Academic Alliance
Decision Intelligence
ML Modeling
Process Mining
User Journeys
Dorina Bano
Dorina Bano
Research areas: Data-Driven Simulation / Digital Twins, Process Knowledge-Driven Causal Inference, Data Integration and ETL, Very Large Databases


Process-aware digital twin cockpit synthesis from event logs, 2022
Dorina Bano, Judith Michael, Bernhard Rumpe, Simon Varga, Mathias Weske
Journal of Computer Languages

Discovering data models from event logs, 2020
Dorina Bano, Mathias Weske
Conceptual Modeling: 39th International Conference, ER 2020, Vienna, Austria, November 3–6, 2020, Proceedings 39

Enhancing discovered process models with data object lifecycles, 2021
Dorina Bano, Francesca Zerbato, Barbara Weber, Mathias Weske
2021 IEEE 25th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC)

Attribute-driven case notion discovery for unlabeled event logs, 2021
Tom Lichtenstein, Dorina Bano, Mathias Weske
International Conference on Business Process Management

Design-Time Support for Fragment-Based Case Management, 2022
Kerstin Andree, Leon Bein, Maximilian König, Caterina Mandel, Marc Rosenau, Carla Terboven, Dorina Bano, Stephan Haarmann, Mathias Weske
International Conference on Business Process Management

Xu Chu
Xu Chu
Research areas: Enterprise Large Language Model, Enterprise Knowledge Base, Data Integration and ETL, Database, Very Large Databases


Discovering Process-Based Drivers for Case-Level Outcome Explanation, 2023.
Peng Li, Hantian Zhang, Xu Chu, Alexander Seeliger, Cong Yu.
International Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM) at ICPM

Data cleaning (book), 2019.
Ihab F Ilyas, Xu Chu. Morgan & Claypool.

DiffPrep: Differentiable Data Preprocessing Pipeline Search for Learning over Tabular Data, 2023.
Peng Li, Zhiyi Chen, Xu Chu, Kexin Rong.
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data.

Ground Truth Inference for Weakly Supervised Entity Matching, 2023.
Renzhi Wu, Alexander Bendeck, Xu Chu, Yeye He.
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data.

iFlipper: Label Flipping for Individual Fairness, 2022.
Hantian Zhang, Ki Hyun Tae, Jaeyoung Park, Xu Chu, Steven Euijong Whang. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data.

Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg --author image
Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg
Academic Alliance
Research areas: Process mining education & training, Business value creation


Process Selection in RPA Projects–Towards a Quantifiable Method of Decision Making, 2019
Jonas Wanner, Adrian Hofmann, Marcus Fischer, Florian Imgrund, Christian Janiesch, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg.
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany.

Creating Business Value with Process Mining, 2022
Peyman Badakhshan, Bastian Wurm, Thomas Grisold, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Jan Mendling, Jan vom Brocke
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems

Celonis PQL: A Query Language for Process Mining, 2022
Thomas Vogelgesang, Jessica Kaufmann, David Becher, Robert Seilbeck, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Martin Klenk, Artem Polyvyanyy.

The Potential of Technology-Mediated Learning Processes: A Taxonomy and Research Agenda for Educational Process Mining, 2021
Thiemo Wambsganss, Anuschka Schmitt, Thomas Mahning, Anja Ott, Sigita Soellner, Ngoc Anh Ngo, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Janina Nakladal, Jan Marco Leimeister.
Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems

Matthieu Lucke
Matthieu Lucke
CeloAIDecision Intelligence
Research areas: Innovative Process Mining, Data-Driven Simulation / Digital Twins, Enterprise Knowledge Base, Process Knowledge-Driven Causal Inference


Steady State Estimation for Business Process Simulations, 2023
Mahsa Pourbafrani, Niels Lücking, Matthieu Lucke, Wil MP van der Aalst.
International Conference on Business Process Management.

From oscillatory to non-oscillatory disturbances: A comparative review of root cause analysis methods, 2022
Matthieu Lucke, Moncef Chioua, Nina F Thornhill.
Journal of Process Control.

Fault detection and identification combining process measurements and statistical alarms, 2020
Matthieu Lucke, Anna Stief, Moncef Chioua, James R Ottewill, Nina F Thornhill.
Control Engineering Practice.

Integration of alarm design in fault detection and diagnosis through alarm-range normalization, 2020
Matthieu Lucke, Moncef Chioua, Chriss Grimholt, Martin Hollender, Nina F Thornhill.
Control Engineering Practice.

Advances in alarm data analysis with a practical application to online alarm flood classification, 2019
Matthieu Lucke, Moncef Chioua, Chriss Grimholt, Martin Hollender, Nina F Thornhill.
Journal of Process Control.

Pol Schumacher
Pol Schumacher
Process MiningEngine
Research areas: Innovative Process Mining


An Approximate Inductive Miner, 2023
Jan Niklas van Detten, Pol Schumacher, Sander J. J. Leemans.
5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM).

Extracting control-flow from text, 2014
Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor.
15th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration.

Towards a Trace Index Based Workflow Similarity Function, 2014
Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor.
KI 2014: Advances in Artificial Intelligence.

On the Use of Anaphora Resolution for Workflow Extraction, 2013
Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor, Eric Schulte-Zurhausen.
Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series.

Extracting and enriching workflows from text, 2013
Pol Schumacher, Mirjam Minor, Eric Schulte-Zurhausen.
14th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration (IRI).

Alexander Seeliger
Research areas: Innovative Process Mining, Enterprise Knowledge Base, Process Knowledge-Driven Causal Inference, Automated Insights, User Guidance Support


Discovering Process-Based Drivers for Case-Level Outcome Explanation, 2023.
Peng Li, Hantian Zhang, Xu Chu, Alexander Seeliger and Cong Yu.
International Conference on Process Mining.

Inferring A Multi-Perspective Likelihood Graph from Black-Box Next Event Predictors, 2023.
Yannik Gerlach, Alexander Seeliger, Timo Nolle, Max Mühlhäuser.
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.

Learning of process representations using recurrent neural networks, 2021
A Seeliger, S Luettgen, T Nolle, M Mühlhäuser.
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.

ProcessExplorer: intelligent process mining guidance, 2019
Alexander Seeliger, Alejandro Sánchez Guinea, Timo Nolle, Max Mühlhäuser.
Business Process Management: 17th International Conference.

Finding Structure in the Unstructured: Hybrid Feature Set Clustering for Process Discovery, 2018
Alexander Seeliger, Timo Nolle, Max Mühlhäuser.
Business Process Management.

Bin Shen
Bin Shen
CeloAIML Modeling
Research areas: Machine Learning Modeling


Collaborative Memory Network for Recommendation Systems, 2018.
Travis Ebesu, Bin Shen, Yi Fang.
Proceedings of the 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2018).

Short-Term Traffic Prediction Based on Dynamic Tensor Completion, 2016.
Huachun Tan, Yuankai Wu, Bin Shen, Peter J Jin, Bin Ran.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Image inpainting via sparse representation, 2009.
Bin Shen, Wei Hu, Yimin Zhang, Yu-Jin Zhang.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.

Online robust image alignment via iterative convex optimization, 2012.
Yi Wu, Bin Shen, Haibin Ling.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Visual tracking via online nonnegative matrix factorization, 2014.
Yi Wu, Bin Shen, Haibin Ling.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.

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Carolin Ullrich
User Journeys
Research areas: Business value creation, Human factors in Process Mining, Process Mining building experience

Celonis Studio-A Low-Code Development Platform for Citizen Developers, 2021.
Carolin Ullrich, Teodora Lata, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg.
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM.

Business Miner: Process Mining Insights for Business Users, 2023.
Teodora Lata, Carolin Ullrich.
Proceedings of the ICPM Doctoral Consortium and Demo Track 2023 co-located with 5th International Conference on Process Mining.

Business Miner: Process Mining Insights for Business Users
5th International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM (2024), Carolin Ullrich, Teodora Lata

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Wil van der Aalst
Research areas: Object-Centric Process Mining, Innovative Process Mining, Data-Driven Simulation / Digital Twins, Scalable Conformance Checking

Process Mining: Data Science in Action, 2016.
W.M.P. van der Aalst.

Process Mining Handbook, 2022.
W.M.P. van der Aalst and J. Carmona.
Volume 448 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing.

Discovering Object-Centric Petri Nets, 2020.
W.M.P. van der Aalst and A. Berti.
Fundamenta Informaticae.

Decomposing Petri Nets for Process Mining: A Generic Approach, 2013.
W.M.P. van der Aalst.
Distributed and Parallel Databases, 31(4):471-507.

Object-Centric Process Mining: Unraveling the Fabric of Real Processes, 2023.
W.M.P. van der Aalst.
Mathematics 11(12), 2691, 2023.

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Thomas Vogelgesang
EngineProcess Mining
Research areas: Innovative Process Mining, Object-centric process mining, Database Process Query Language


Celonis PQL: A query language for process mining, 2021.
Thomas Vogelgesang, Jessica Ambrosy, David Becher, Robert Seilbeck, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Martin Klenk.
Process Querying Methods, Springer International Publishing.

The action engine–turning process insights into action, 2019.
Peyman Badakhshan, German Bernhart, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Janina Nakladal, Steffen Schenk, Thomas Vogelgesang.
ICPM Demos 2019.

Dynamic Pattern-based Case Filters using Regular Expressions, 2020.
Thomas Vogelgesang, Janina Nakladal, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg, Peyman Badakhshan.
BPM 2020 Demo Track.

cong-yu-celonis (1)
Cong Yu
Research areas: Machine Learning, LLM, Recommendation, Information Veracity, Data Analytics


Discovering Process-Based Drivers for Case-Level Outcome Explanation, 2023.
Peng Li, Hantian Zhang, Xu Chu, Alexander Seeliger, Cong Yu.
ML4PM @ ICPM 2023.

Scaling Multimodal Pre-Training via Cross-Modality Gradient Harmonization, 2022.
Junru Wu, Yi Liang, Feng Han, Hassan Akbari, Zhangyang Wang, Cong Yu.
NeurIPS 2022.

Charformer: Fast Character Transformers via Gradient-based Subword Tokenization, 2022.
Yi Tay, Vinh Q. Tran, Sebastian Ruder, Jai Prakash Gupta, Hyung Won Chung, Dara Bahri, Zhen Qin, Simon Baumgartner, Cong Yu, Donald Metzler.
ICLR 2022.

NewsEmbed: Modeling News through Pre-trained Document Representations, 2021.
Jialu Liu, Tianqi Liu, Cong Yu.
KDD 2021, Singapore.

ReasonBERT: Pre-trained to Reason with Distant Supervision, 2021.
Xiang Deng, Yu Su, Alyssa Lees, You Wu, Cong Yu, Huan Sun.
EMNLP 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

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