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Celonis EMS scalability, quick returns and new features applauded by customers and analysts at Celosphere 2022

Celonis EMS is extremely easy to scale because the results are so quick. That’s how Kieron Allen, analyst with Acceleration Economy and Cloud Wars, said Celonis customers described the process mining and execution management platform at Celosphere 2022.

Allen and his colleague Tom Smith, a fellow Acceleration Economy and Cloud Wars analyst, were on hand in Munich reporting from Celonis’ annual user conference. The pair hosted live video coverage from the show as well as attended sessions and spoke with customers and executives.

Smith and Allen said Celonis’ ability to deliver quick results and scale were key factors in getting executive buy-in, a critical success factor for any IT project.

The pair also shared how one customer is using Celonis’ new Business Miner and Process Sphere (a capability of Celonis EMS built on a novel type of process mining technology called object-centric process mining) products to bring process mining and business execution to more departments and more people within the company.

READ: Celosphere 2022: Everything you need to know news, product, process mining best practices

The following is a transcript of the interview, edited for readability.

Executive buy-in: Customers cite Celonis’ scalability and quick returns

Tom Smith: You've started off today by visiting a session with three of Celonis' top customers, and they were talking about how they're using the technology, where they're getting the most benefits. So can you give us some insight into what they talked about?

Kieron Allen: The three customers today, there were three early adopters of Celonis technology. They were ABB, Dell, and MSD. Now each of these companies come from very different areas. ABB is involved in engineering. Dell obviously is computer technology, and MSD is focused on the healthcare market. Yet each of them receive, well, they were getting different payoffs from the technology. But there was one underlying theme which I think is really important for our viewers to notice here. They talked about executive buy-in.

Now, of course, executive buy-in with any technology is difficult, but they talked about how with Celonis it was extremely easy to scale the product because the results were so quick. They were instant. It was almost as though they'd run the process mining technology on a single process and they'd see this come back so quickly that they were able to scale it and then create…

READ: Celosphere 2022 notebook: Process wisdom from Celonis customers

Tom Smith: But that's kind of the best tactic to get executive buy-in, right?

Kieron Allen: Exactly, because the executives are always going to want to know why. Why are we investing in this? And I think that was a really big takeaway, a collective takeaway, from each of those companies.

Democratizing process mining and getting end-to-end process perspective

Tom Smith: I know you spent some time reviewing MSD, and their work with Business Miner. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Kieron Allen: It was more in terms of Business Miner, so obviously this was a product that was launched yesterday here on day one of the conference. And Business Miner is all about democratization and making it easier for every business user in a company to use the tools that are creating so much success higher up the food chain. They actually, it was really interesting, MSD talked about how they had looked for a solution to, first of all I'm going to scale back into Process Sphere. They were looking for a solution to quadruple that output. They wanted to have more views working interconnectedly, then Process Sphere came along, which is obviously answering that, that 3D approach.

Then they moved on to Business Miner, and they talked about with this technology, they wanted to spread this out to a wider customer base. They wanted to make it easier for more of these quick results to hit every kind of sector of their organization and their customers too.

So Business Miner for them is going to be a real, they're very keen on being one of the first to have this rolled out in their company because obviously this is going to be a limited rollout and they want to be top of the list. So that was quite an interesting conclusion made by those guys.

READ: Top 5 best practices for process mining and business execution success

Tom Smith: It's great to hear the excitement around that product and to hear of a really tangible example of a customer that's looking to put it to work.

Now, later today that same company, MSD, has a session they're putting on called From Science Project to Operational Juggernaut. I love that name, first of all, because it just sounds very aggressive and sounds like they're hard charging when it comes to the use of this technology, but at the same time, one of the things we've been hearing repeatedly at this conference is the importance of operationalizing this technology, not just collecting data, not just having the data accessible to you, but taking advantage of this technology moving forward with it, acting on it, driving results with it.

So that's another great example of how one of these top customers, they're going to be talking about how they're operationalizing and creating a juggernaut by doing so, so really looking forward to that.

Kieron Allen: Yeah, I'm looking forward to, I'm going to be at that session and I'm going to be taking notes and yeah, I think from what MSD said this morning, they're very much invested in the Celonis product, so I'm really excited to see how they've rolled this out. They only had 10 minutes this morning, so they've got a lot bigger window today to really discuss what this product's doing for the company.

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Editor’s note: This video was originally published on Acceleration Economy, How Dell, ABB, and MSD Are Implementing Celonis Business Miner.

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Bill Detwiler
Senior Communications Strategist and Editor Celonis Blog

Bill Detwiler is Senior Communications Strategist and Editor of the Celonis blog. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET’s popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who’s covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior to his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.

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