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Learn how to Write PQL Queries with this training track from Celonis Academy

Celonis PQL, the Process Query Language, was designed to be easy-to-use, translate complex process questions into data queries, and make process mining accessible to every Celonis user. Because it combines process mining and business intelligence capabilities into a single programming language, it enables business users to augment event data with additional business information.

Understanding PQL is a powerful skill for every process professional. And, Celonis Academy has made it easier to learn and master the language with the Write PQL Queries training track.

Free PQL courses and training tracks

Celonis Academy offers hundreds on-demand training courses, instructor-led classes and learning materials to help you learn the process mining skills that today’s employers want. Academy Learners can choose individual courses or Training Tracks (guided learning paths that consist of multiple courses) and complete a course or track in a single session or break them up over time.

The Write PQL Queries training track is intended for both Celonis Customers and Celonis Partners. Typical customer roles that complete the track include business analyst, data analyst, and business app builder. Partner roles include technical/solution architect or consultant and  application/solution/asset developer.

Write PQL Queries Celonis Academy training track screenshot

After completing the Write PQL Queries track, learners should be able to:

  • Get to know PQL and how to work with it in the code editor

  • Understand a standard set of PQL operators

  • Understand joins and their effect on your queries

  • Use filters to zoom into specific parts of your data

  • Get to know use cases that can only be solved with PQL's PU-functions

  • Apply PU-functions and domain tables where necessary

The track replaces the previous training track called "Build Analyses - Advanced". It consists of 2 sections, 5 required courses and 1 elective course, which are designed to take about just under 6 hours to complete:

1. Basic Queries in PQL

Introduction to PQL and the Celonis PQL Engine (Required | 20 min) In this course, learners will find material about the purpose of Celonis PQL, the Celonis Software Architecture and Celonis PQL Engine, understand Celonis PQL History and its core Design Goals and differentiate between SQL and Celonis PQL statements.

Create your first PQL Queries (Required | 15 min) Designed to help learners start writing PQL with just a few easy steps, this course will teach them to Write their first PQL queries and do small adjustments on existing queries.

Basic Coding with PQL (Required | 2h 30min) After completing this course, learners should be able to apply basic Celonis PQL queries containing conditions and basic functions, modify string input and timestamps, leverage basic process-related functions like PROCESS EQUALS, CALC_THROUGHPUT and capitalize on the different best practices and library sources for PQL.

2. Joining & Aggregating Data

Joins & Filters in PQL (Required | 45 min) This course teaches learners how joins and filters influence analyses and views. When finished with the course, learners should be able to identify table connections by looking at a defined Data Model, build components with the included joins, act on the error message “No common table” and find the correct filter to achieve the desired output.

Use PU-Functions for Aggregations (Required | 1h) Once they have completed this course, learners should be able to take their formulas to the next level by using PQL's PU-functions. The course includes material on applying PU functions instead of standard aggregation where necessary, understanding the underlying table structure, understanding filter behavior and applying correct syntax.

Use Domain Tables in PU-Functions (Elective | 1h) This course teaches learners how to use the PU-function with the same table. After completing this course, they should be able to apply the DOMAIN_TABLE function, explain the relationship between the DOMAIN_TABLE function and the PU-function, describe how Domain Tables are joined to the Data Model Tables and recognize when the DOMAIN_TABLE function should be used.

Prerequisites = No | Digital Badges = Yes

The Write PQL Queries training track doesn’t have any prerequisites, but many learners prefer to first learn about Analyses, Knowledge Models, Views and Action Flows before tackling PQL.

Learners who successfully complete the Write PQL Queries training track are eligible for a Celonis digital badge. Badges are an excellent way to showcase your Academy accomplishments and process mining skills, especially when added to a LinkedIn profile or email signature.

Add process mining to your resume or CV

For more information on Celonis Academy and the on-demand training courses, instructor-led classes and learning material available from Celonis, check out the following resources:

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Bill Detwiler
Senior Communications Strategist and Editor Celonis Blog

Bill Detwiler is Senior Communications Strategist and Editor of the Celonis blog. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET’s popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who’s covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior to his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.

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