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Process mining skills could be your ticket to landing one of these top tech jobs

Data-centric roles are some of the top ranked and highest-paying tech jobs for 2022, and many employers are looking for candidates with process management, process improvement and process mining skills to fill those roles.

Data and analytics positions are among the top tech jobs

According to Glassdoor’s annual list of the top jobs in the U.S., data scientist (#3), data engineer (#7) and strategy manager (#5) all ranked in the top 10 for best jobs in America for 2022. In Dice’s 2022 tech salary report, the company ranked data architect as one of the top five highest-paying positions with a median salary of $128,835 (US). The CompTIA Tech Jobs Report for February shows roles in the fields of emerging tech and data being among the top five tech jobs for posting activity. In its 2022 technology salary guide, staffing company Robert Half ranks data-related positions as some of the hottest tech jobs, with big data engineer (#1), data architect (#6), database manager (#7), data security analyst (#8), data scientist (#9) all making their list of highest-paying IT jobs in 2022.

Looking at job descriptions for these data-centric roles, you’ll find desired skills such as the ability to use data science tools, specific database experience (Oracle, Hadoop, etc.), knowledge of programming languages and query languages (Python, R, SQL, Java, etc.), experience with cloud apps/services (AWS, Azure, GCP) and APIs. Data-specific skills, such as data ingestion, data transformation and data modeling, are also sought after. In addition, many employers are looking for IT professionals with analytical skills, which were ranked as one of the hottest information technology skills by Glassdoor in 2021.

Process mining and execution management skills are in demand

Increasingly, employers are also looking for professionals with process mining, process management and process improvement skills.

“Individuals with expertise in areas such as Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning are in high demand, but process mining is quickly gaining traction as a must-have skill,” Professor Wil van der Aalst, Celonis Chief Scientist, wrote in his article, Why Process Mining Is the Top Skill To Learn in 2022.

According to Professor van der Aalst, three factors are driving this trend. First, business processes are an important component of a company’s success. Second, companies need to take a data-driven approach to process management to survive in today’s digital economy. Third, process mining interacts with other in-demand fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA).

“Process mining and Execution Management will be an essential part of every large enterprise’s IT toolkit,” Professor van der Aalst wrote.

Here's a visual about the bridge between data science and process science that also serves as a handy potential career map.

process mining graphic

A search on LinkedIn and popular job sites, will turn up thousands of job openings related to process mining, process management, process improvement and execution management. Hiring managers and HR departments are adding these skills to existing job descriptions for data and analytics positions or creating separate roles.

For example at the time of publication, Kimberly-Clark, the multinational personal care and paper-goods company, has an open role for a Data Scientist, Global Operational Excellence. Desired experience includes previous experience with process improvements, process analysis, the ability to analyze process steps.

Process mining job description: Data scientist Kimberly Clark

Thinking about adding process mining and execution management skills to your resume or applying for a related job, check out the following resources:

If you want to help build the execution management and process mining systems that will be part of every enterprise IT toolkit, come work for Celonis!

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Bill Detwiler
Senior Communications Strategist and Editor Celonis Blog

Bill Detwiler is Senior Communications Strategist and Editor of the Celonis blog. He is the former Editor in Chief of TechRepublic, where he hosted the Dynamic Developer podcast and Cracking Open, CNET’s popular online show. Bill is an award-winning journalist, who’s covered the tech industry for more than two decades. Prior to his career in the software industry and tech media, he was an IT professional in the social research and energy industries.

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