Summernaut Internship Program

Madrid, Spain


About the Summernaut Internship Program

The Summernaut Internship Program based in Madrid is an 8-week-long, full-time summer internship, open to students across Europe with a business or technical background. You will participate in an onsite rotation with two different functional teams, where you will intensively learn and apply your knowledge in several assignments and projects. Application period: starts in Autumn and ends in Spring Program start: June

Inside Celonis | Madrid Hiit Program

Program Benefits


Sky is the limit for your career! With Celonis being one of the fastest-growing tech companies, we have a lot of space for your personal growth. You'll learn about our leading products in a new, exciting software category.


By rotating within two different functional teams, you'll expand your knowledge, contribute to a variety of hands-on projects, and meet many smart and supportive teammates.


#TheBestTeamWins is one of our company values and is truly embraced by our talented and dynamic team of international professionals. Discover the thriving and welcoming city of Madrid in social activities together with your fellow interns.


To participate in the Celonis Summernaut Internship Program, you must have:

  • 2 months of full-time availability from mid-June to mid-August
  • a track record as a top student in a technical program (engineering / IT-based business administration, business informatics or a comparable program)
  • very good knowledge of spoken and written English (any additional language is a plus)
  • a visionary and focused mindset
  • the ability to thrive in a fast-changing and dynamic environment
  • an analytical and strategic thinking approach

Want to be a Celonaut?

The application period for the Summernaut Internship Program is currently closed, but feel free to check out all open student jobs!


What makes the Summernaut Internship Program special and different from other programs?

I think it differentiates itself from other programs by its design. The Summernaut Internship Program is designed to connect you with the other participants who are from different backgrounds, such as field of study or geographical backgrounds. Combined with the two rotations, you get a holistic view of the whole company as interns work in nearly every department, and you spend much time together during and after work. This enables you to get a good sense of the company quickly while having a lot of fun!

Eduard Sehl
Associate Solution Engineer (former intern)

What three attributes would someone need to succeed in the Summernaut Internship Program?

1. Taking initiative and responsibility – don’t hide behind the others. Speak up when you identity a problem or a potential improvement.
2. Adaptability – you should be able to adapt to new concepts and unexpected situations.
3. Good Attitude – A smile alone won’t get the job done, but a positive outlook and a pleasant disposition – combined with fundamentals such as work ethic and discipline – make for a well-rounded employee.

Luca Piersimoni
Analyst Customer Value Architect (former intern)

What was your biggest benefit from the Summernaut Internship Program?

The rotational aspect of the program allowed me to experience different parts of Celonis in a very short period of time. Not only did I get to know interns working in different departments, I also had the chance to learn from senior level employees about their jobs and their purpose in the company. This exposure to all sides of Celonis allowed me to understand which role I wanted to have in the future and prepared me to become a full-time solution engineer at the company.

Lucas Balsinde
Associate Solution Engineer (former intern)
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