Bericht: 1.620 Führungskräfte aus der Wirtschaft über funktionierende Prozesse im Jahr 2025 >

Academic Alliance

We educate the process miners of tomorrow.

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We believe in educating our youth as the next generation thought leaders in data and process science. Therefore, we launched the Celonis Academic Alliance in partnership with the world’s leading universities, colleges, and schools to empower and encourage the Process Intelligence experts of tomorrow

The world's largest academic process mining community

Academic Celonis Users

Academics across all disciplines use Celonis and the Online Learning Platform for learning, teaching, and research.

Partner Institutions

Universities, colleges and schools spread across 50 countries are members of the Academic Alliance community.

Classrooms use Celonis

The Academic Alliance supports its partners in classroom and online courses, seminars, and workshops in all scientific disciplines.

Educational products and offerings



The Academic Alliance offers students the opportunity to learn about process mining and process intelligence, upskilling for their future careers. Students get free access to Celonis for classroom work, own learning, online certifications, thesis support and more.



The Academic Alliance offers teachers a vast range of products and services for academic purposes. We built a global academic community of educators and researchers with over 1,500 partners worldwide. Offers for teachers include free software licenses, online training courses, guest lectures, and much more.



The Academic Alliance can act as a partner for academics with a clear research mission e.g. as project partner or platform provider. Offers for researchers include free software access, connections to the Celonis team, and online training.



The Academic Alliance offers engagement and collaboration opportunities for customers and partners, connecting minds and markets and bringing top-notch talent to the Celonis Ecosystem.



Partner Portal
The exclusive portal for partners

Partner portal

  • Your one-stop shop for anything related to process mining teaching

  • For all academic partners who are planning their next course integration with Celonis

  • Direct access to teaching materials, guides, guest lectures signups, and more

  • Updated regularly to include content co-created by peers globally

  • Follow your educator journey on the partner portal, and become a Celonis academic partner today!

Partner Portal
All-in-one Platform for Process Excellence

Celonis platform

  • Free - For students, teachers, and researchers

  • All Celonis features - Event Collection, Process Analytics, ML Workbench, Action Engine

  • Data - Preloaded demo data and flexible data uploads

  • Easy user interface - Designed for use in classroom and self-study

Academy Icon
Develop process mining skills and get hands-on experience with Celonis

Celonis Academy

  • 300+ courses free for everyone

  • Interactive learning on process mining 

  • Get different verified Celonis Digital Badges.

Academy Icon
Celonis Make
A new standard for process automation

Make - Academic License

  • Leading visual platform for anyone to design, build, and automate anything

  • From tasks and workflows to apps and systems—without the need for coding skills

  • Get a free academic license through the Make Academic Alliance

Celonis Make

Academic Blog

Read the stories from the Academic Alliance Community. Follow discussions about hot topics in process mining and Process Intelligence and get to know best practices in teaching and research.

Academic Centers of Excellence 24/25


Whether you’re curious about process mining and Process Intelligence, looking for educational materials, writing your thesis, or simply in need of technical support, the Celonis Academic Alliance is ready to assist your process mining journey in any way possible.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Academic Alliance community.

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