Demo Series | September 26th 1 PM - 1:45 PM CEST

Orchestration Engine: Use Cases & Road to Celosphere

Discover the next frontier in Business Process Optimization: Intelligent Process Orchestration.

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Discover the next frontier in Process Intelligence: Use Cases & Road to Celosphere

Discover the next frontier in Business Process Optimization: Intelligent Process Orchestration.

Without an intelligent, connective real-time management layer, true end-to-end process optimization will remain unachievable as teams have neither the transparency and cross-system connectivity required to streamline actions across silos, nor the control needed to ensure all resources, systems and people are working in sync.

Join us to learn how Process Orchestration enables unprecedented end-to-end control of your processes, and how Celonis’ process intelligence is the missing ingredient to facilitate truly intelligent, real-time orchestration.


  • Overview: Process Orchestration in operation
  • Supply chain use case deep dive
  • Demo: Process Orchestration for Logistics
  • Road to Celosphere: What to expect on the OE in Munich


Adrian Headshot
Adrian Hollander
Product Marketing Manager
Michael Hubrich, Emporix
Michael Hubrich
GTM Lead
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