On-Demand Webinar

Learn first hand how to make the most out of C4C

Watch on-demand webinar and hear first hand the testimonial of Proservartner on how Celonis for Consulting (C4C) helped them with their business and how this program can be a great starter with customers. Watch now!

Celoconnect 2nd webinar - Partner

Learn first hand how to make the most out of C4C

Join us and be a part of our global online webinar


  • Introduction
  • Proservatner: How to take the most out of C4C to succeed
  • Fireside chat
  • Q&A


Maciej Ociej - Proservartner
Maciej Olejniczak
Process Mining Lead
Dhru - COO Proservartner
Dhrupad Patel
Anna Diers
Anna Diers
Ecosystem Programs Director
Thaminne Oliveira
Thaminne de Oliveira Borges
Global RSI Manager
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