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Forbes: RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Predictions for Next Year

But what are some of the other trends we may see? What’s on the radar for next year? Let’s take a look:

Alex Rinke, the CEO of Celonis: “One group we are seeing in the automation space is the ‘hyper-automate everything’ crew, where you can find a lot of the RPA vendors dropping bots on everything that moves. The impact of Covid has driven reduced workforces to look for any help they can get, and in the short term, the automation-fix might feel good but the automation-tax is going to be high once those bots start limping and eventually breaking down. This approach has proven to be brittle and fail when the business changes, because it automates steps regardless of the business context, process situation, management objectives, etc. It ‘assumes’ there is always one way to execute things—which is never the case in business.”

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Written by Tom Taulli. Tom (@ttaulli) is the author of Artificial Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction ( and The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems (

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