The Future of Process Mining – Trailblazing Cooperation between Research & Industry

Headed by Professor Wil van der Aalst, several working groups have been set up between Eindhoven University of Technology and Celonis SE in order to address key challenges related to Process Mining. While the experts are eager to advance scientific research, they are also committed to reconcile these activities with practical applications. Celonis, leading software vendor within this exciting new category of Big Data Analytics, brings years of practical experience from hundreds of customers to the four working groups.

Process Mining is a relatively new discipline within Big Data analytics and arose from the research conducted at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Process Mining discovers how business processes are really executed and identifies hidden cost drivers, weaknesses and bottlenecks. Using Process Mining, organizations such as Siemens, ABB, UBS and many more could significantly improve their business processes.

In order to further advance Research and Development in the area of Process Mining, four working groups have been established between the TU/e and Celonis SE.

Working groups for applied research

The working groups focus on various challenges such as process discovery, conformance checking, and multi-instance mining with the goal to provide novel insights and better diagnostics. In all four working groups, TU/e and Celonis SE join forces to go beyond the state of art by combining the latest research results with industry-strength software. With this new close cooperation the team around Professor Wil van der Aalst and Celonis SE aim to close the gap between academia and industry.

The combination of Research and Practice

Professor Wil van der Aalst is seen as the “Godfather of Process Mining”. He is one of the most cited computer scientists in the world and established Process Mining as a new scientific discipline around the turn of the century. His ideas and publications form the foundation of Process Mining research and practical applications globally.

Celonis also has its origin in university research: In 2011, three students at the Technical University of Munich founded a company fully focusing on Process Mining software. Today, hundreds of customers use Celonis Process Mining in over 25 countries. Customers include numerous Fortune 500 companies, as well as many small and medium-sized organizations. Due to the widespread use of its software, Celonis has a deep understanding of Process Mining in practice, thus providing valuable input for the research challenges of tomorrow.

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