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Uncovering new possibilities at Deutsche Bank

Process Mining @ Deutsche Bank

What is the Celonis Execution Management System? Celonis EMS can help you deliver long-term savings, improve profitability and improve company competitiveness by enhancing the long-term cost structure.

Moreover, Celonis EMS will help you monitor performance across every tier of your customer journey. And by optimizing each step of your customer journey, you can build trust, achieve greater competitiveness, and improve customer satisfaction.

How it works:

  1. Measures execution capacity in real time, identifying execution gaps

  2. Identifies the best course of action to close those gaps

  3. Takes automatic, intelligent action to immediately remove them

Introducing the Celonis Execution Management System - social sharing meta image

Celonis can help Deutsche Bank truly transforming and improving the Customer journey:

Please note that these Use-Cases are not specifically designed for Deutsche Bank, but common within the Banking industry.

Demo Gallery

Visit our Demo Gallery for interactive process mining demos and Execution Management System demos for supporting functions such as Procurement, Accounts Payable, Order Management, and more

Demo screenshot - Celonis for Frictionless Procurement
Demo screenshot - Celonis for Frictionless Procurement
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