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Meet the New Celonis Academy

We, the Celonis Academy, migrated to a new Training Platform and revamped parts of our Training Tracks.

Now it’s time for you to sign up for full access to our new training, or log in right away.

If you have more questions on the migration, or want to see a sneak peek of the new platform- we’ve collected all information and Q&A below.

Academy Migration

Access the Training Platform

The new Training Platform comes along with a new registration page - for all learners. It makes it super easy for you to access the platform anytime.

Follow the steps in the video and off you go!

How to Register Thumbnail

Find Your Way Around

The new Training Platform brings improved usability and content searchability, among many other benefits. You have access to about 2,000 hours of free training content, impactful hands-on exercises, whether in guided tours, workbooks, or unique videos.

Watch the video to see how you navigate around.

Orientation Clip Thumbnail

Discover Our New Training Tracks

We redesigned our Customer Training Tracks. They are now bite-sized and more modular so that you get to what you want fast. In addition, course titles reflect the tasks you want to accomplish with Celonis, making it easier for you to identify which courses are relevant to you.

Check out our new Academy Collateral to get to know our new Training Tracks and find your own match.

New Customer Training Tracks Overview
New Customer Training Tracks Overview

Questions? Get Answers!

We’re continuously updating this list of questions. Please send an email to if content is missing.

Why are we migrating to a new Training Platform?

We have revamped course structures to enable you to get to what you want - fast. Courses are broken into shorter modules with specific learning goals. Each module is clearly titled so that you can easily identify what skill you’ll be able to do upon completion.

On our new Training Platform, you’ll get personalized course recommendations, improved usability, and better content searchability among many other benefits.

Why are we redesigning our (Customer) Training Tracks?

We are redesigning our (Customer) Training Tracks in response to your invaluable feedback. They will be bite-sized and more modular so that you get to what you want fast. In addition, course titles will reflect the tasks you want to accomplish with Celonis, making it easier for you to identify which courses are relevant to you.

When did the migration happen?

We launched the new Celonis Training Platform on November 10, 2021.

How can I register for the new training platform?

You can register here. Please make sure to select your correct role (customer, partner, academic, guest), and fill in your company name.

I'm a Celonis Customer. How do these changes impact my learning journey?

We will retire our existing Training Tracks (Executive, Business User, Analyst, Data Engineer, Business Value Architect, and App Creator) and replace them with new task-based Training Tracks. Therefore, we won’t be able to transfer complete courses or Training Track progress to our new Training Platform.

  • Please complete your open Courses, Training Tracks, and Certification Exams by November 5, 2021, and earn your Celonis Digital Badge(s).

  • Don’t forget to download all PDF certificates in your Transcript if you want to keep them for future reference. You will not be able to access them on the new Training Platform.

  • Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks. Make sure to watch out for Academy emails in your inbox!

I'm an Academic User. How do these changes impact my learning journey?

We will retire a big portion of existing product training courses and replace them with new ones.

Thus, we will replace the current product courses in our Academic Training Tracks with these new courses. Please note that we won’t be able to transfer complete course progress for these product courses. However, we will ensure that all Academic Training Tracks that you have successfully completed, will still be shown as such on our new Training Platform.

  • Please complete your open Courses, Training Tracks, and Certification Exams by November 5, 2021, and earn your Celonis Digital Badge(s).
  • Don’t forget to download all PDF certificates in your Transcript if you want to keep them for future reference. You will not be able to access them on the new Training Platform.

I'm a Celonis Partner. How do these changes impact my learning journey?

We will retire a big portion of existing product training courses and replace them with new ones.

Thus, we will replace the current product courses in our Partner Training Tracks with these new courses. Please note that we won’t be able to transfer complete course progress for these product courses. However, we will ensure that all Training Tracks that you have successfully completed, will still be shown as such on our new Training Platform.

  • Please complete your open Courses, Training Tracks, and Certification Exams by November 5, 2021, and earn your Celonis Digital Badge(s).

  • Don’t forget to download all PDF certificates in your Transcript if you want to keep them for future reference. You will not be able to access them on the new Training Platform.

  • Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks. Make sure to watch out for Academy emails in your inbox!

I'm a Celonis Partner. How does the migration affect my certifications and exams in progress?

We can only migrate completed certification exam sections. Thus, you must complete your open certifications and exams by November 5, 2021. Otherwise, your progress of the incomplete exam sections will get lost, and we can’t restore it. Make sure to download all PDF certificates in your transcript if you want to keep them for future reference. You will not be able to access them on the new Training Platform. Badges are not impacted, you can access them via Credly.

Is the Partner Training Track structure changing?

Partially. The five current partner training tracks (App Creator, Sales Professional, Solution Professional, Implementation Professional, and Business Value Architect) will be available on the new platform with the same names. They will continue to cover the same learning objectives and topics. The only changes to partner training tracks are happening on an individual course level concerning product enablement.

Here’s a preview of courses that will be replaced in the Partner Training Tracks.

I'm a customer. Can I still use my enrollment key?

No. The enrollment process changes from individual-created enrollment keys to a global registration page. Please note that all “Celonis Online Training - Access and Training Overview Guides” and the inserted individual enrollment keys are invalid from November 10, 2021. We ask all customers to access the new training platform via the activation link sent by on launch day.

Is my personal training team affected?

The personal training teams do not change actively by the migration. However, due to the redesign of the product training, we will sunset different Guided Learning Tours and offer new ones that will go along with the latest training content of these courses. However, your analyses and any configurations won’t be deleted.

Can I still access my PDF Certificates?

No. Please download all PDF certificates in your Transcript if you want to keep them for future reference. You will not be able to access them on the new Training Platform.

Will I still keep my Celonis Digital Badges?

Badges are not impacted, you can still access them via Credly.

Will I be able to earn Celonis Digital Badges for the new Training Tracks?

Of course! All of the new Training Tracks will finish with a Celonis Digital Badge for completion. You will receive an email upon completion and can access the badge via

Will the new Training Tracks be localized in different languages?

Due to the scope of our Platform Migration and redesign of the Training Tracks, we could not localize the new training content simultaneously. Thus, new training tracks that we release on the new training platform will, for now, only be available in English.

We are aware of the immense need for localized training. Please rest assured that we do all we can to drive localization forward as fast as possible.

In the meantime, our EMS Kickstarter Training is available in 7 languages. Moreover, the latest courses include video transcripts as downloads. We recommend using to translate them.

What do the new training tracks look like?

Yes. You find them in our new collateral. Please note that we’re still updating this overview.

Will you provide enablement on the new training platform and training tracks?

Yes, we host webinars for customers, partners, and academics on how to access and navigate the platform and find relevant training content. You can sign up for the webinars in your new training account. We will make recordings available to all learners afterward.

Will the Learning Analytic Dashboard be available for launch?

We will recreate the Learner Analytics Dashboard with the new data connection and are planning to have it ready for launch. However, there is always a potential risk of temporary downtime.

Can training progress of training courses done on old platform still be tracked?

The Learning Analytics Dashboard will be rebuilt and linked to the TI database. This means that you will only be able to track what is available on TI. For customers: The old training tracks will no longer be trackable, and only the new ones will be available.

Where is my data hosted and what is the name of the new provider?

Data hosting continues to occur in the European Union, and the new LMS provider is Thought Industries.

We are still the responsible party, i.e., you can contact us for any potential concerns you have in the future.

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